About the Awards

Entries for the Public Finance Awards 2024 are now closed.

The Public Finance Awards 2024, now in their eighth year, are the ideal way to be rewarded for your achievements within the public finance and governance sector. The Awards recognise the people, products and services that demonstrate excellence and originality within public finance.

Entries are open to all organisations and bodies within public finance and governance in the UK.

Judged by a panel of distinguished sector leaders, winners of the awards are acknowledged as best in class.


  • Brand exposure to more than 15,410* Public Finance subscribers. *ABC audited
  • The opportunity to gain invaluable recognition for outstanding forward-thinking performance
  • The chance to share your success story with peers, clients and potential employees via publicfinance.co.uk
  • Shortlisted entrants receive an official awards logo to promote their achievements and winners receive a coveted Public Finance Trophy
  • Align your organisation with the market-leading brand in the public finance sector

Public Finance Awards 2024:


Entries for the Public Finance Awards are open to all organisations and bodies within public finance and governance, in the UK only. The Awards recognise the people, products and services that demonstrate excellence and originality within public finance.

The Awards are featured in Public Finance magazine and promoted across a range of other media including Twitter, the Awards website, the winners guide (given to all guests on the night) and much more. We provide shortlist and winners logos for you to use to promote your win and winners will receive the official Public Finance Awards trophy on the night. Aside from this there are plenty more reasons to enter:

  • Build sector and professional respect and boost business profile.
  • Be credited as a top performer in Public Finance.
  • Improve internal morale.
  • Showcase your achievements to a wide audience.
  • Share best practice with other organisations.

Entry tips for Public Finance Awards 2024

1. Please ensure that you read the How to Enter and the Terms and Conditions of Entry sections before completing the relevant category entry form/s.

2. Please ensure you pay particular attention to all compulsory questions, in order for your entry to be accepted for judging. Unless otherwise specified, achievements outlined in the entries should have occurred since April 2022. The judging will aim to recognise organisations who add outstanding value to their partnerships and relationships, and not those who simply provide a solid service.

3. Review the entry form carefully and ensure the project you are putting forward is a good fit for the category.

4. Prepare your supporting document of no more than one, five page A4 document to include annual reports, press clippings, testimonials, graphics or video links – but make sure these are relevant to your submission.

5. Once completed, the category entry forms and supporting documents should be uploaded during the online entry process. If you are entering multiple categories please complete the relevant entry form for each, ensuring that you have tailored the entry specifically to each category.

1. Plan your entry and keep your responses clear and concise

2. Avoid repetition and business jargon

3. Showcase your finance strategy and organisation’s culture

4. Use specific and tangible examples of work

5. Include evidence of return on investment

6. Outline your achievements and remember what makes you unique

7. Collaborate with colleagues and nominate a member from your team to manage the application

Each entry will be judged on the information provided in the category entry form and supplementary information provided. The judges will be looking for proof that you have produced an award-winning entry. The judging will aim to recognise organisations who add outstanding value to their partnerships and relationships. Want to know more on what our judges will be looking for and create an award-winning entry? Join the conversation on Twitter: @public_finance_ #pfawards24

All entries will be viewed by individual judges. Each entry will be judged on the information provided in the category entry form and the information supplied during the online entry process. Entries which have not been correctly submitted through our online system will be rejected. Please see How to Enter and the Terms and Conditions of Entry details. The judging panel will meet to discuss the entries and shortly after this the shortlist will be published on the Awards website, and all entrants will be individually contacted.

Connect with us on Twitter for regular news and updates

Please ensure that you have read the Terms and Conditions of Entry prior to submitting your entry/ies. Each category has a different category entry form which can be downloaded from the Categories page. Please complete the relevant form for each entry you submit, ensuring you have tailored the entry specifically to the category.

To start your online entry, click on the Enter Now button which will take you through the form step-by-step. You will be asked to fill in your organsations details, select the category/ies you wish to enter and to upload your filled in entry forms and any supporting documents you wish to add.

For free categories, you will then click submit and your entry is complete. For paid for categories you will then proceed to the payment stage. On completion of the entry process you will receive an email confirming that we have received your entry. Please note the reference number which will appear on this confirmation email, for use on any further correspondence.

*Prepare your supporting document of no more than one, five page A4 document to include annual reports, press clippings, testimonials, graphics or video links may be uploaded or sent to: Rhianna Fitzgerald, Event Manager, Public Finance Awards, Fora, 9 Dallington Street, London, EC1V 0LN. Please mark all marked with your unique entry reference number which will be emailed to you on completion of the online entry process.

Shortlist announced – Late August 2024

Awards ceremony – 26 November 2024

The awards are divided into two sections, categories 1-14 are for public sector organisations and individuals. These are FREE to enter and organisations may enter more than one category. Categories 15 and 16 are ‘Partner Award’ categories and these are available for those commercial organisations whose services and solutions support public sector organisations across public finance and governance. Commercial organisations are also able to enter Category 9.

To enter categories 15 and 16, please enter via the ‘Partner Awards’ pathway on the entry upload system. These categories carry a fee of £195 + VAT (standard rate) per entry.

Terms and conditions of entry

Nominees are required to be based in the UK. Nominations are for work and projects conducted or concluded since April 2022, except where specified otherwise within respective category criteria. Individuals and teams can enter more than one category but separate applications are required for each category and entries are accepted directly by nominees or on behalf of nominees. In order to qualify for entry, all nominations require a seconder who endorses the nomination. A seconder may be the line manager of the nominee, head of department, Chief Executive or other relevant senior staff member within the nominated organisation. The Awards Panel relies on the proposer (the individual completing and submitting the entry) to check the accuracy of the supporting information. By submitting the nomination form, the proposer is confirming that the details given in support of a nomination for an award are accurate to the best of their knowledge Redactive Events Ltd (REL) accepts no liability for any inaccurate information contained within the submitted entry as it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide accurate information. Entrants giving false or misleading information will be excluded from the awards competition. If an award is given and it is subsequently found that the entry information is false or misleading, REL reserves the right to withdraw the award. Please note that all information provided on the entry forms and during the entry process is taken by REL in good faith. If any information is subsequently discovered to be false or the recipient is found to have engaged in conduct unbecoming, REL reserve the right to cancel the entry and, if after the Awards have been presented and involves a winning entry, to cancel the Award win and publicise reasons to relevant parties. Please note that refunds will not be provided. REL reserves the right to use entry material submitted in published form unless requested by the entrant not to by emailing [email protected]

Whilst you (or the licensors) continue to own the copyright in all works forming part of your entry, by submitting an entry you consent to our use of submitted photographic works in any publication, whether or not connected to the Awards you have entered, and you now waive all moral rights in such photographic works. We may allow third parties (e.g. journalists) to use such works for REL purposes. If a third party owns the copyright in such works, you confirm that you have obtained their consent to our use and a waiver of their moral rights for these purposes. By entering, you agree to a representative attending the awards ceremony where the winners in each category will be announced and presented with a trophy. If no representative is available, REL reserve the right to nominate a person to collect the award on your behalf. Judges reserve the right, without prior consent of the entrants, to move entries to different categories if it is appropriate. No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently. This competition is not open to employees of CIPFA or Redactive Media Group or any person directly or indirectly involved in the running of the competition. The shortlist will be released after the judging has taken place, winners will not be announced until the awards night. CIPFA and Public Finance do not accept any responsibility for late or lost entries due to the Internet or postal service. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt.

The Judges’ decision on all shortlisted entries and winners is final and no discussion or correspondence will be entered in to. Please also note that due to the high volume of entries received it is not possible to provide individual feedback for entries that are not shortlisted. Entrants found to be resubmitting the same entry documents as a previous year will be excluded from the entry process. All entries must be completed on the individual category entry form for the current Awards year and any entries where the details provided are the same as a previous year will be excluded from the entry process. Any entries that include a project/product that has previously been entered must show how this project/product has developed since it was last entered and provide performance data to support this. By entering and attending the awards ceremony, you acknowledge that the Event or part of it may be filmed by audio, visual, audio-visual or electronic means or photographed, including photographs of individuals or groups of delegates. You agree to permit REL, or any third party licensed by REL, to use and distribute such footage and photographs, which may feature images of you, in all or any media (including social media) whether now known or hereafter to be invented throughout the world in perpetuity for the purposes of advertising, publicity, reporting and otherwise in relation to the exploitation of such recordings and photographs. Please inform the event organiser in writing prior to the event day by email to [email protected] if you do not wish to be included in any individual or group photographs. Winners and runners up may be featured in a printed awards supplement to be included in a forthcoming edition of Public Finance. By nominating or agreeing to be nominated you agree to be profiled in this way.

Entry Fees for the Event are correct at the time of publication. Redactive reserves the right to change the Fees at any time but changes will not affect entries which have already been confirmed by Redactive. The Fees (where required) are payable at the same time as You submit your booking form by credit card.. The entry fees are as published on the event website and are non-refundable. Please note late entries may be charged an additional fee to cover the extra administration necessary to get these sent out to our judges in good time.

Please note that there are no refunds available for any entries and unless we have received payment for your entries they will not be passed on to the judges for marking.

The entry fee is based on cost per entry. By submitting registration details, You agree to allow Redactive to contact you as required for the organisation and administration of the Event. Redactive will comply with our privacy policy in respect of your registration details and other information we hold about you. Redactive will only contact you for marketing purposes, and will only pass on your contact details to sponsors for marketing purposes, to the extent that you expressly consent to this (for example, by opting in during the registration process). Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition. If You have any questions about these Terms & Conditions, please contact Redactive at our Registered Office address